
  • Tressurge posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    Rosmarinus Tressurge is also known as rosemary oil. The essential oils extracted from this plant are known to be good at mitigating hair loss. These oils also do a wonderful job in stimulating the growth of new hair. This oil extract is also used for treating the symptoms of androgenetic alopecia.Some experts who believe in the power of rosemary to stimulate hair growth say that such is made possible by making the blood vessels dilate to give way to hair growing nutrients.This consists of a natural solution that is made from the substances commonly found in the olive and citrus trees. These substances aid in the prevention of hair loss while also stimulating hair growth. Results from a clinical study showed that regular application of procapil for two weeks led to hair growth increase for as much as 121 percent.Click Here